Chapter 262 miscarriage

Zhan Jia 'er pulled out a pure and beautiful smile. mother loves me the most. Yingluo isn't like an older brother. He has changed.

Duan yuanxun said,'which part of your brother doesn't love you? he just wants you to recuperate in peace.' But, Jia 'er, now that you've come out, where are you going? If you want to go back to country M, uncle can make arrangements."

There were no extraditor regulations between M Nation and S nation.

If Zhan Jia 'er was really sentenced, she should be sent back to M Nation first. At least, her safety would be guaranteed.

"No, I'm not going back." Zhan Jia 'er clenched her fingers tightly and bit her lip."Uncle, please do me another favor. Send me back to li garden."

w-what? li garden?!

Duan yuanxun was not the only one. Even Duan mu 'er, who had been sitting quietly at the side, could not help but look surprised. She turned to look at Zhan Jia' er.