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'Ruan Mengmeng' looked very remorseful and mournful.

As he watched 'ruan Mengmeng' cry her eyes out, li Junting could not help but give her a thumbs up in his heart for being so thick-skinned.

Li yaoyang's serious face revealed a bit of surprise."What did you say? Yingluo, say it again? What is a child Yingluo?"

"It's my and junyu's child. I've been pregnant with junyu's child for more than three months." Zhan Jia 'er said in a wronged tone. Because father has never approved of it, he didn't dare to mention it in front of you. It's all my fault. I'm the one who didn't live up to expectations. That's why the child is gone."

Duan yuanxun, who had been warned by Zhan Jia 'er earlier, quickly explained, " "My younger daughter, mu 'er, was shopping at the mall when she ran into young Madam li, who looked upset. Mu 'er saw that she was not in a good condition and took her home to rest. Who knew that young Mrs. Li would faint not long after they arrived home?