Tell ruan Mengmeng, love Gu

- Inside the small villa in the military compound-

In the end, Zhan mo didn't go to li garden to abduct her by himself. Instead, he brought ruan Mengmeng back to the study of the small villa.

Seeing the man's cold expression, ruan Mengmeng asked without fear, " "You haven't spoken for half an hour since you brought me back to the study. What are you trying to do? My time is very precious and I don't have time to waste with you."

Zhan mo sat behind the desk without saying a word. He seemed to be in deep thought.

If it were not for the occasional movement of his eyebrows, ruan Mengmeng would have suspected that he was a statue.

It was only when ruan Mengmeng's voice 'woke' him up that Zhan mo raised his head to look at ruan Mengmeng. She seemed to see the hesitation in his dark eyes.

However, that hesitation was quickly suppressed by an even tougher expression.

Ruan Mengmeng knew that he had already made his decision.