Exchange for ruan Mengmeng's heart (4)

otherwise, I'll lock ruan Mianmian up as an animal experimental subject and extract her bone marrow at a fixed time every day for Jia 'er. I'll let her be locked up in an iron cage for the rest of her life, just like those stupid bears whose bile is extracted.

When Duan xiuhui spoke, she exuded her usual air of superiority.

In the past, when he heard his mother say such arrogant words and saw her attitude towards others, Zhan mo was used to it.

But now, he felt that it was piercing to his ears.

This feeling became even stronger when she heard Duan xiuhui describe Mengmeng as a stupid and lowly person.

mother asked ruan Mengmeng to do something. Her mother is a little different. She won't give in easily. Zhan Mo's left hand, which was hanging by his side, clenched into a fist. He gritted his teeth and said in a low and cold voice.

His rationality made him restrain the impulse in his body and try to maintain a cold attitude.