The father and son actually didn't help her

"Hubby, look at Yingluo. She's too uneducated. I only shook her hand and she hurt me like this. How could I dare to keep such an unruly child by my side? You can't let her stay, quickly chase her away Yingluo!"

Duan xiuhui endured the pain and tried to pull Zhan Yang away with her left hand, but he avoided her hand coldly.

Duan xiuhui's eyes flickered. She looked at her son behind her and gave Zhan mo a look.

However, Zhan mo acted as if he did not see his mother's look. Just like Zhan Yang, his expression was cold. He did not seem to have any intention of helping Duan xiuhui teach ruan Mengmeng a lesson.

Zhan mo wasn't deaf, nor was he an idiot.

He had clearly heard how Duan xiuhui had taken the initiative to humiliate ruan Mengmeng.

If her mother had just greeted Mengmeng normally, she would never have such an extreme reaction.