Chapter 328:

After Zhan Yang finished his 'confession' in a heavy tone, he left, leaving behind a dejected figure.

He did not seem to want to reveal his relationship with Duan xiuhui in front of ruan Mengmeng.

He just told ruan Mengmeng to rest well first and would call her for dinner later.

After Zhan Yang left, ruan Mengmeng lay on the luxurious bed and stared blankly at the picture of the Holy Mother and Angel carved above her head.

The room was filled with medieval carvings and there were four bed pillars around the big bed. A curtain hung from the bed pillars and ruan Mengmeng was stuck in the bed, making it impossible to see the emotions in her eyes.

She didn't understand. She really couldn't understand.

He had thought that there would be a fierce battle when he arrived at the Zhan family in America.

However, Zhan Yang's performance was beyond ruan Mengmeng's expectations.