Giving all the shares to ruan Mengmeng

Zhan Yang held a total of 51% of the Fenghuo group's shares and was the company's largest shareholder.

Meanwhile, Duan xiuhui only had 10% of the Fenghuo group's shares.

Now, Zhan Yang wanted to give 31% of his shares to ruan Mengmeng. That way, there would only be 20% of the shares that would be given to Zhan mo and Zhan Jia 'er in the future.

"No, you can't. You have 51% of the group's shares that are going to be given to Zhan mo and Jia 'er's Zhan Yang. You are their father, how can you abandon them? Zhan Yang, have you forgotten who this woman is?

She was just a bastard, an illegitimate daughter who could not be shown in public! She doesn't deserve to inherit your business!

We have agreed that the Empire we have conquered should be left to Zhan mo and Jia 'er. They are the ones you should love. You can't do this, I won't agree to it!"

Duan xiuhui's elegance and nobility were all gone at this moment.