Not leaving a single one to Zhan mo

51% of the torch group's shares meant that he would not leave a single share to Zhan mo.

When ruan Mengmeng had heard about Zhan Yang's entanglement with her mother and Duan xiuhui, she had guessed that even if he did not love Duan xiuhui, it would be difficult for him to divorce her.

That was why she had made her first request for Zhan Yang to reject.

you've already rejected my offer. If you reject me again, I'll really doubt your true feelings for me. Ruan Mengmeng looked at Zhan Yang and said very calmly, " you have to know that everything you've said up until now is actually just an empty promise. Daddy, Yingluo, I really want to call you daddy too, but at least, you have to let me see your true heart."

Although she had been disappointed with Zhan mo, she had always had a different kind of expectation.

Because there was no expectation, there was no disappointment, and this was only true for Zhan mo.