Duan xiuhui retaliates against slander

The chief editor of one of the nine most popular fashion magazines in MHM Group immediately chimed in, " "Ruan not only has an outstanding husband, but she also has great commercial value. If ruan was willing, all the top luxury brands would want you to shoot their commercial.

Ruan, you're a unique elf from the East. You're an existence that those ordinary people can't compare to. As long as I can receive your favor, there are countless men and women in this world who are willing to prostrate themselves at your feet with gold and silver."

People in the arts were always more exaggerated. The chief editor looked at ruan Mengmeng with eyes that were almost squeezed with honey.

Khiton's expression became uglier and uglier. He moved his left shoulder without a sound, hiding his little master better.

After that, the movie Prince, Wall Street investors, political celebrities, and rich people all expressed their trust in ruan Mengmeng's character.