An insignificant dead child

Just as the afternoon tea party downstairs had to end because of Mrs. Kenxinton's embarrassment and Zhan Jia 'er's crime of being a wanted criminal.

On the third floor of the manor, in Duan xiuhui's private room, a tall figure was carefully searching for something.

It had been half an hour since he entered Duan xiuhui's private room on the third floor. However, he had searched the bookshelves, the study table, and even the lounge inside, but he still could not find any clues.

Finally, his eyes fell on the shut laptop on the desk.

The man walked to the desk and turned on the laptop. After trying to enter a few sets of passwords, the screen turned on.

The cold light from the screen shone on the man's face. It was a handsome and cold face. It was Zhan mo.

At this moment, Zhan mo sneaked into Duan xiuhui's private room alone while she was entertaining the guests downstairs.