Chapter 401: the kenxinton family

"Sure, let's go and take a look." Although ruan Mengmeng had never really touched a gun before, she had always been very curious about it.

After all, she was a former e-sports player, and the FPS game she was good at was commonly known as shooting games.

Usually, in the game world, he would kill a 'child' with each shot. In the real world, when he could see real guns, of course, he would want to touch them.

Zhanyang mo raised his eyebrows. He did not expect a girl like ruan Mengmeng to be interested in firearms.

But when he thought about how she was his daughter and how she carried the blood of the Zhan family, he was no longer surprised.


"Where are you taking ruan Mengmeng, dad?" Although Zhan Jia 'er was sitting on the sofa enjoying the air conditioner, she had been paying close attention to ruan Mengmeng.

Their father had taken ruan Mengmeng away without telling them. It seemed like they were really dispensable in their father's heart.