Interrogation (2)

after that, the other people in City M's upper class learned about this. In order not to offend you, they all distanced themselves from Mr. Douglas.

His former friend had cut off all contact with Mr. Douglas, and the suppliers no longer supplied him. The companies that had promised to let him invest in them had also refused. even the torch group refused to cooperate with Mr. Douglas because of your obstruction.

Very soon, Mr. Douglas declared bankruptcy because of his business failure. This matter was still labeled as a symbol of justice by people to this day, and could not tolerate any filth.

But Mrs. Kenxinton, have you really tried to find out if this is the truth?"

Ruan Mengmeng's expression was cold and calm, and when she asked the question, her almond-shaped eyes narrowed slightly, looking very much like li junyu's.