A secret meeting

Ruan Mengmeng used her talent that far exceeded that of ordinary people to quickly absorb the business information that Zhan Yang had instilled in her.

She had originally thought that as long as she performed well, Zhan Yang would definitely return the khiton to her.

However, one day, two days, three days passed. Other than bringing her to the company to listen, personally teaching her, and giving her more 'homework', Zhan Yang did not mention anything about transferring khiton back.

Ruan Mengmeng was still brooding over this matter, but Zhan Yang seemed to be able to read her mind.

He could see through her heart with just one look.

At that time, he would use khiton as bait to make ruan Mengmeng work even harder.

Sometimes, ruan Mengmeng even felt that khiton had become the carrot in her father's hand, and she was the dumb donkey that ran forward with all her might, never stopping for the carrot that she would never be able to eat.