A showdown with Zhan mo (2)

Duan xiuhui liked a life of luxury and luxury.

Since she cared about power and wealth, ruan Mengmeng could not let Duan xiuhui have her way.

Moreover, her father's trust in her was still ringing in her ears. Ruan Mengmeng would definitely not pack up and leave in fear just because she heard a few words from Zhan mo.

She had to take over her father's hard work from Duan xiuhui and her two other children.

She would not leave a single cent for Duan xiuhui and Zhan Jia 'er.

"Mengmeng, you misunderstood me too deeply." Zhan mo looked at her with his eyes closed.

"I don't think so," ruan Mengmeng sneered. You might not care about it normally, but if I were to stand on the opposite side of Zhan Jia 'er, you would definitely beat her up without any principles."

Ruan Mengmeng's words seemed to have hurt Zhan mo.