The little angel descends (2)

"Three babies?"

It was only when he heard the doctor's words that he suddenly remembered that he had not seen the three children yet.

"Yes, those three boys are really beautiful, like little angels sent to the world by God.

I've been in the OB/GYN Department for so many years, but this is the first time I've seen such a beautiful newborn.

Now, they're going to become the stars of our hospital. Many young nurses are fighting to see them. Even an old man like me can't help but want to go and tease them."

Europeans and Americans were passionate and open. They never paid attention to beauty like the Easterners. Instead, they were always full of praise and praise.

When Zhan mo heard the doctor's description, he was even more curious about the three little buns that ruan Mengmeng had just given birth to.