Don't be happy by things, don't be sad by yourself

Zhan mo did not understand what made ruan Mengmeng change so much. However, he had to admit that he was selfish at times.

He wanted to cherish ruan Mengmeng, who could treat him calmly now. Although they were not close, she was willing to work with him and walk by his side.

He wanted to selfishly keep ruan Mengmeng like this, but he knew that he should not do that.

Thus, after the battle between heaven and man, Zhan mo finally asked the question that was in his heart.

"Li junyu?" Ruan Mengmeng turned around, her beautiful brows slightly furrowed.

In her mind, a blurry figure appeared. It was a tall and stalwart black silhouette that should belong to a man.

He must be li junyu, the husband in her memory.

All of ruan Mengmeng's memories of li junyu still existed, but they seemed to have been covered by a thin layer of mist, turning gray and blurry.