The death of Chen Qingzhi (2)

Ruan Mengmeng's eyes were calm and indifferent. Even when she looked up at Zhan Yang, she did not show any excitement.

Zhan Yang lowered his head and met his daughter's calm almond-shaped eyes. A sense of vigilance rose in his calm heart.

He suddenly had a feeling that he was being probed by ruan Mengmeng.

However, when he saw how calm and cold ruan Mengmeng's eyes were, and thought of her series of actions after hearing the grievous news of Chen Qingzhi's sudden death, he felt that it was all just his imagination.

Zhan Yang was very satisfied with ruan Mengmeng's performance. Although ruan Mianmian's death was not part of his plan, Chen Qingzhi's death was something he had specially sent people to S country to make up for her heart shock.

Zhan Yang wanted to use the death of the person closest to ruan Mengmeng to stimulate her and test her.

At the same time, she would also get rid of those obstacles that might affect her in the future.