Duan xiuhui's fate (1)

To Zhan Yang, ruan Mengmeng, who had injured her leg in the kidnapping case and was now disabled, might no longer be the most suitable successor.

"If there's anything else, we'll talk about it after the press conference. "Mengmeng, you can go and rest first," Zhan Yang said coldly, signaling his subordinates to push ruan Mengmeng away.

Duan xiuhui turned to look at Zhan Yang in surprise. In the next second, the shock in her eyes disappeared and was replaced with happiness.

She knew it. She knew that in Zhan Yang's heart, she, the wife who had accompanied him through all the ups and downs, was the most important.

What was ruan Mengmeng?

She was just an illegitimate daughter who was going to be Jia 'er's heart vessel in the future. In her husband's heart, she was the most important person.

Duan xiuhui, who had been deeply hurt by Zhan Yang's favoritism, felt as if she had been resurrected.