Fierce Peacock, your brother is calling you home to fill in your brain

Zhan mo did not doubt ruan Mengmeng's words at all. He had long been used to her lukewarm attitude towards him.

He called the doctor over and asked him again. After confirming that the three children were fine, he then escorted ruan Mengmeng and the babies away.

When the tail lights of the black car carrying Zhan mo, ruan Mengmeng, and the triplets had almost disappeared at the end of the wide road, the man standing behind the window on the top floor of the hospital gradually retracted his gaze.

"Ling bei, Ling Dong, did you hear what I told you to do?" His long and slender fingers opened the blinds. Li junyu turned around and looked coldly at the group of subordinates standing behind him.

"I heard you clearly," the two of them said in unison.

Ling bei: " first young master, we'll get it done right away. However, it's a little too much for us to gather all these in such a short time.