Reveal the truth (2)

She had to thank Zhan Yang for this, as he had caused her to cut off all feelings for him. Even when she knew that Zhan Yang had lied to her, she still felt a dull pain in her heart.

However, after calmly analyzing all of Zhan Yang's lies, her heart had already become numb and cold.

She continued her analysis in a cold voice, " "And the reason why you're afraid that I'll know the truth is because you're worried that I won't forgive you after I know everything. I might even hate you even more.

If Duan xiuhui was the one behind all this, if you are really innocent, why are you afraid that I will hate you after I find out the truth?

No, I won't hate you for no reason. So, from this, I can tell that the truth back then was not as simple as you said.

Not only are you not an innocent victim, but you're also likely to be an accomplice, or even the real mastermind!"

At this point, ruan Mengmeng took a deep breath and paused coldly.