Ruan Shishi's birth was forced

A young and beautiful woman, a gentle woman, a woman without a prominent family background, had become the prey of the upper-class society because of her beauty.

"That would be her honor." Zhan Yang's determined and cold chin was slightly raised. On that extremely handsome face, there was an insufferably arrogant expression.

"It was an accident that she got pregnant with your sister. That day, I was on the second floor of the Duan family's house. I had some drinks and wanted a woman, but I couldn't find anyone to vent my desire on.

At that time, xiuhui was already pregnant with Zhan mo. She was a jealous person and would not allow me to touch other women.

When my gaze passed the dance floor, I happened to see Chen Qingzhi.

She was indeed very beautiful, almost as beautiful as a fairy. She was shining in the crowd. At that moment, I wanted this woman."

Zhan Yang would never be soft-hearted when it came to what he wanted.