Not even letting go of a child (1)

After Zhan Jia 'er handed the baby to khiton, she used her hand to gently caress the face of the other baby on the operating table.

Zhan Jia 'er's hand was carefully maintained. Her fingernails were very long and trimmed into an exquisite and beautiful shape.

Khiton stood beside Zhan Jia 'er with the baby in his arms. When he saw her slender nails scratching the tender face of the little white bun on the operating table, a strange look flashed across his deep black eyes.

"By the way, have you arranged the things I asked you to?" Zhan Jia 'er looked at the baby's fair and flawless face and asked sinisterly.

Duan Cheng, who was standing guard on the other side, said respectfully, " everything's been arranged. The entire villa has been covered with a signal-blocking screen. The signal can't come in or go out. Ruan Mengmeng's side must not know what's going on. As long as they can't pick up the child, they'll definitely walk right into the trap.