This damned woman actually lied to me!

From the moment ruan Mengmeng had confirmed from li junyu's mouth that khiton was one of his men, the greatest uneasiness in her heart had already been appeased.

If khiton was li junyu's man, at least the three little ones would have someone to look after them.

She knew why Zhan Jia 'er had captured the three children and what she wanted.

As the mother of the three little ones, ruan Mengmeng was naturally scared. However, she knew that if she showed even the slightest bit of concern, Zhan Jia 'er would go from bad to worse and use her precious babies to threaten her.

Ruan Mengmeng was not afraid of being threatened, but she was worried that even if she was willing to give up everything, Zhan Jia 'er would not let her three babies go.

Therefore, instead of being controlled by others, it was better to appear cold and realistic.

She knew that the more she acted like she did not care, the less Zhan Jia 'er would harm the three children.