Little chongchong's whereabouts

Li junyu and ruan Mengmeng had been waiting for the other party's next move ever since they found out that Zhan Yang had personally escorted Duan xiuhui out of the detention center.

However, before Zhan Yang could make a move, they received two messages.

"What? the nanny's gone?" ruan Mengmeng asked. You still can't find them?"

By the time ruan Mengmeng heard the news, her body was already getting better.

When he had just woken up, he would occasionally have a headache and needed to rest, so he had no time to personally ask about little chongchong.

However, after a few days of recuperation, under li junyu's care and concern, and with ruan Mengmeng's amazing physical strength on the plane, her body recovered quickly.

One day, ruan Mengmeng finally felt much better. While li junyu was away, she asked little yueze to send someone to check on little chongchong.