That woman is here

Zhan Jia 'er's funeral was held in the most famous St. John's Cathedral in City M.

She had gone in such a hurry, but Zhan Yang still had a way to make his daughter's funeral Grand in the most famous church in M City.

He wanted to send Zhan Jia 'er off on her last journey, even if Zhan Yang was no longer the chairman of the torch Corporation.

However, due to the huge amount of shares he held in his hands and his social status, many socialites still attended the ceremony.

War sun had flown many white roses from abroad, and they covered almost all the roads from the staircases down to the inside of the church.

Zhan Yang had said that these white roses were Zhan Jia 'er's favorite when she was alive. They were like his daughter Jia' er, pure and flawless, pure and kind.

He said that Zhan Jia 'er was the daughter he loved the most, and that her death made him feel sad and regretful. Therefore, he wanted to hold a funeral of the century to send his daughter off.