Zhan Yang's biggest secret

Zhan Yang said selfishly,"However, even in this situation, you don't have to worry. Since I've already regained control of the company, as the largest shareholder of Fenghuo group, I will immediately dismiss the chairman of the group, ruan Mengmeng, and replace her.

I'm sure you've all clearly seen my ability and the strength of the torch group over the years. Even without the oil fields in North America, the Fenghuo group will still rise again under my leadership. Just give me a little time and I promise to give you a satisfactory financial report in the next quarter."

After saying that, Zhan Yang lifted his handsome face and looked at the others.

At this moment, Zhan Yang's entire body was filled with an aura that could convince others. His abilities had always been a legend in America. Even if things were slightly out of his control, he still had the ability and confidence to turn the tide.