A jealous battle with the baby (1)

'The business empire, Fenghuo group, has been crushed. The funeral of the Zhan Princess is also the final point of the collapse of the Zhan business empire.'

in-depth analysis of the conspiracies behind the bankruptcy of Fenghuo group. What exactly happened to the Fenghuo group that almost became the world's number one? "

financial analysis: uncovering the multi-faceted life of the head of Fenghuo group, and how many secrets are hidden in the Fenghuo group that started from S country.

It had been three days since Zhan Jia 'er's funeral ended, which also indicated that the collapse and bankruptcy of the giant Fenghuo group had only happened three days ago.

In the past three days, ruan Mengmeng had never felt so relaxed before. Other than the only thing that worried her that little chongchong had not been found, it could be said that she had temporarily put everything else aside.

She had finally reaped the fruits of her labor after walking for so long.