Li junyu was actually a good father

Li junyu wanted to chase the two little fellows out because they always spoiled the mood.

Every time at a critical moment, she would wake up and cry loudly, interrupting him and Mengmeng.

Once or twice was fine, but they were so punctual every time. He suspected that these two boys were sent by heaven to specifically go against him so that he could only hold his little wife every night and not have a chance to eat.

If this happened a few more times, li junyu would definitely be bored to death.

don't be like this. I'm always thinking about chongchong. ruan Mengmeng could feel the man's shallow breath behind her ear. His warm breath blew against her neck, making her feel numb.

She pulled up the small blanket and covered the little boy, then turned around and wrapped her arms around li junyu's neck.