You're calling her granddaughter-in-law now?

The third person to greet them after li jingyao was unexpected.

Li Jinghui brought Yao Yuqing, whose face was still half-recovered, and his son, li zheguo, to greet the two of them.

In ruan Mengmeng's memory, li Jinghui was a man with his eyes on top of his head, a noble son who loved leisure and hated hard work. However, after meeting him this time, she felt that li Jinghui had become very calm.

Li Jinghui and Yao Yuqing each held one of li zhechao's hands and patiently taught their son to call him 'uncle' and 'Auntie'.

As for Li Hongyang, his attitude towards li junyu and ruan Mengmeng was also very friendly, which was very different from the past.

It was even more so for li Mingyang and Zhang Wanyu. The second branch of the Li family had always kept a low profile and did not cause any trouble. In the past, they had taken care of li junyu and ruan Mengmeng a lot, and it was the same now. When they saw them, they would smile kindly.