An illegitimate daughter

The old man's appearance was somewhat similar to the battle armor's President, but he was less domineering and more elegant.

Ruan Mengmeng didn't need to ask to know that this old man must be the Zhan family's acting family head, third great uncle Zhan hai.

"Third great uncle."

Ruan Mengmeng felt an inexplicable sense of closeness to this old man who looked somewhat similar to Zhan Kai's grandfather. She couldn't help but withdraw the imposing manner she had displayed when facing Zhan Hongan.

"Good, good, Yingluo, it's good that you're back, it's good that you're back. Your grandfather has mentioned it to me a few times, and I've seen your picture before. Today, I finally get to see you in person!"

Perhaps it was the joy from seeing ruan Mengmeng that came from the bottom of his heart. Even though Zhan Hai's legs were inconvenient with the help of his walking stick, he took three steps at a time and practically rushed to ruan Mengmeng.