Zhan ruxue is going to stab ruan Mengmeng to death (1)

"I can't meddle in the internal affairs of your Zhan family. However, as Jun Yu's father, in my heart, there is only one eldest daughter-in-law that I acknowledge, and that is Mengmeng."

Li yaoyang's tone was firm and without any hesitation.

He had already made too many wrong choices. This time, he must not make the same mistake.

Zhan ruxue's eyes widened, and her face contorted. Her elegance had long disappeared."Yingluo, you really want to protect her! Your li clan, your li clan is really going to go back on your word?"

"Yes, I want to protect her." Li yaoyang nodded. just take it that the Li family has gone back on our word and let you down. Yingluo, I can agree to any other request of yours, except for this. Not to mention that junyu won't accept you, even if junyu agreed, I wouldn't agree."