Still thinking about ruan Mengmeng at such a critical moment

At that time, she had also cried like this, just like Zhan ruxue, crying so hard that her shoulders trembled uncontrollably.

"If you remember the past, you should understand that no matter what you do, whether you cry or want to kill yourself, the truth will not change. Those things had already happened. Even if you really died here, those things would be like a mark on your body for the rest of your life. So, Xuxu dried her tears and got up.

Zhan ruxue, you've been muddleheaded for more than ten years, so you should know by now. The false beauty can only deceive yourself. You can only rely on yourself to walk out of it. When you are strong enough, you can truly get rid of the past."

Ruan Mengmeng might sympathize with the little Zhan ruxue of the past, but she would not sympathize with the woman in front of her.

But she still said this to Zhan ruxue, and in a cold and harsh tone.