Little Junxi is here

"Yes, master," The man, who had been standing at the side like a robot, suddenly spoke.

"Go and find out where li yaoyang is undergoing emergency treatment. Also, call Zuo an over."

Zuo an was Zhan Yang's trusted aide who had been overseas for a long time. As he had not been in M Nation for a long time, even ruan Mengmeng had not seen him before.

If Zhan Qing ze was Zhan Yang's most loyal 'human killer', then Zuo an was his most loyal' brain'.

Zhan qingze accepted the order and left. Not long after, a white-haired old man knocked on the door and walked in with a walking stick.

If there were any older people here, they would be surprised to see this old man.

This person's appearance was very similar to a very famous woman in S country. Although the two of them were of different genders, there was a faint similarity between their brows.