Zhenli fights for favor at three years old

'Three-year-old' used its little paws to tug at ruan Mengmeng, and its furry head squeezed into ruan Mengmeng's arms. It just wanted its Mama to hug it quickly.

third aunt, third year old aunt. ruan Mengmeng's face was still filled with shock that she had yet to digest.

After she came back, she had been so busy, and with her limited relationship, she had almost forgotten about her family's 'three years old'.

However, the furry and toot three-year-old was pulling into her arms with all his might, and the way he wriggled and rubbed against her anxiously made her recall all the memories of her time with the little fellow.

three three, Swish Swish. ruan Mengmeng's right hand trembled slightly. It paused in mid-air for a few seconds before she placed it on the head of her junior.

owoof! Owoof! Owoof! Owoof! the three-year-old child let out a satisfied and comfortable cry when he was finally hugged by his Mama and felt her warmth.

It missed its Mama so much.