Exposing the mastermind behind the scenes

Just as ruan Mengmeng and Li junyu left the police station safely, a storm was brewing in the VIP Ward on the 28th floor of the leading private hospital.

In the middle of the night, Zhan Yang, who was recuperating, was woken up by someone.

The person who had come to him for help was none other than Zhan Rong's biological father, Zhan Hao, who was currently being held in the police station as a suspect.

Zhan Hao, who was originally a little proud and arrogant, was now almost crying in front of Zhan Yang. He was like a father who had no way out and wanted to save his son.

"Cousin, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have listened to other people's words and schemed against that vile spawn, Zhan ruxue. For the sake that I've been standing on your side from the start, please save Zhan Rong for me. He's my only son, if anything happens to him, our line of inheritance will be broken!"