They started to pour dirty water on her

Ruan Mengmeng did not know why she had such a reaction.

She just hoped that he would bring that woman and child to her as soon as possible.

There seemed to be a voice in her heart telling her not to be afraid, and that the sooner she saw that woman and child, the better.

Did you deliberately provoke Yueting just now? " Li yaoyang finally understood.

Ruan Mengmeng nodded. that's right. I've heard the Duke mention that woman and child for so long. Don't you want to see them? " He said that the child is very similar to junyu. Let's wait and see."


That night, ruan Mengmeng left the Jing residence with Li Yao and the others.

Before she left, Jing Yichen had told her to be well prepared, as Zhou Zhengji and Qin Fang might do something to her.

But no matter what they did, he would definitely protect her.

After ruan Mengmeng bade farewell, she looked down at the quiet and dark world at the foot of the mountain and suddenly felt as if a storm was coming.