Mengmeng was finally willing to look at him in the eye

I'm fine, as long as Mengmeng is fine, " ruan zhaotian pressed on his wound and said with some difficulty.

As he spoke, he managed to turn around with the help of Madame ruan and ruan Xueqin to look at ruan Mengmeng.

When he saw the young woman in Zhan Mo's arms looking at him with her bright almond-shaped eyes, ruan zhaotian felt an unprecedented satisfaction.

Mengmeng was finally willing to look him in the eye.

Even if her beautiful almond-shaped eyes had a complicated expression and no longer had the longing and worship for him in the past, this was enough.

What ruan zhaotian wanted was compensation. Even if Mengmeng could never accept him like before, at least she was willing to look at him once. He would not ask for anything else.

Madame ruan followed ruan zhaotian's gaze, her teary eyes filled with resentment. "You're already like this, and you're still concerned about her, Yingluo.