She suddenly understood how li junyu felt as an older brother

Ruan Mengmeng looked at Zhan mo, then at li junche. She felt that the atmosphere between the two of them was very strange.

Thinking about how Zhan mo had only spent a few days to successfully 'buy' over Xiaoxi and Sansan, perhaps ah che had also been 'bought over' by him.

Ruan Mengmeng could not figure out what exactly happened between the two of them. Li junche did not look like someone who was willing to bring it up in public.

She sighed silently. Suddenly, she could understand li junyu's feelings as an older brother.

Her entire family was full of troublesome younger brothers, and her sister-in-law was also very worried.

Ruan Mengmeng: " there's a press conference tomorrow. Wanwan, come with me. Zhan mo, ah che.

Ruan Mengmeng said to the two of them, suppressing her curiosity and oddness. After all, business was more important.

bang-" the glass of water that li junche had just steadied in his hand was knocked over again.