Using this to clarify her identity

to think that she even talked to the camera about virtue and honor at the charity banquet last month. This kind of woman who used flattery to get to her position and washed people's feet doesn't have the nerve to use the general's wife's face and pretend to be a socialite!

The reporters were in a heated discussion, all of them speechless at Qin Fang's shameless actions.

In front of hundreds of cameras, ruan Mengmeng completely removed Qin Fang's last piece of cloth.

Ruan Mengmeng listened to the reporters 'comments patiently. The more unpleasant they were, the deeper the heaviness in ruan Mengmeng's eyes became.

Her crystal clear almond-shaped eyes swept across the reporters 'seats bit by bit, as if she was looking for something in the chaotic and crowded crowd.

Unfortunately, the target he was looking for did not appear.