My Qin Fang is not a mistress

"Ruan Mengmeng, you little b * stard, you're slandering me!"

Suddenly, a figure jumped out from the back row of the reporters 'seats.

The originally dense crowd was dispersed. To everyone's surprise, they saw an exasperated old lady rush out from the back of the crowd and directly rush to the interview stand.

The old lady rushed to the front of the interview table. She was not afraid at all. Instead, she put her hands on her hips and pointed a finger at ruan Mengmeng.

"Ruan Mengmeng, you shameless little b * tch! Our Qin Fang isn't that kind of person! You little b * tch, you've been with your mother since you were young. I'll tear your mouth apart and let you talk nonsense!"

With the shrill and harsh scolding, the reporters finally saw what the old lady in front looked like.

It was an old lady who wasn't very tall. Her face was wrinkled and shriveled, but her eyes were extremely fierce, and there was a shrewd light in them.