All the grievances that ruan Mengmeng had suffered in the past were revealed one by one

The young woman was Cao Meifeng's daughter-in-law, Li Ping.

"Mom, this place is nice, right? When we get back, we'll tell Qin Fang that your birthday banquet will be held here. The old neighbors would definitely be envious of such a high-class place."

Cao Meifeng said,"but I've seen the menu here. Yingluo is so expensive!"

"What's there to be afraid of? the ruan family is paying anyway." Our Qin Fang gave birth to a golden grandson for the ruan family. Now, the ruan family still gives her whatever she wants."

"Besides, ruan zhaotian is your son-in-law. He said that he would give you a Grand 60th birthday. If you choose an ordinary restaurant, you'll be disgracing your son-in-law!"

Cao Meifeng: " yes, yes, yes. You're right. My son-in-law is filial. I should give him a chance to perform, Yingluo.

The Royal Palace's surveillance equipment not only had video images, but also a voice recording system.