A dog can't change its habit of eating shit, lying has become a habit!

yeah, let the bodyguards release him quickly and call an ambulance.

Ruan Mengmeng understood that the reporters had good intentions.

She had long known what kind of people Qin Fang's family was, so it was not surprising that Cao Meifeng and the rest would be unreasonable.

"You don't have to go through the trouble of calling an ambulance." Ruan Mengmeng stood on the interview stage with a calm expression.

She softly called out,'Ling Nan'.

Ling Nan immediately took out his phone and opened an APP, sending all the images he had just taken to the big screen at the scene.

As the data was transmitted, the screen in front of the big conference room showed the real scene of the crowd after the bodyguards had surrounded them.

Cao Meifeng, who was crying and falling to the ground after being " plotted against ", was not touched by anyone in the video. She was the only one in the middle, scratching and biting the bodyguards.