You can't just take Haohao away like this!

"Are you saying that the Li family only wants this child and not me?"

The woman called 'Ningning' asked in a gentle voice. There was a trace of grievance in her soft voice.

Ruan Mengmeng, who was outside the door, was a little surprised to hear all this.

She had thought that old master Li and old Madam li had always been prejudiced against her. Knowing that the Duke of Redington had brought a woman back, they would definitely try to chase her away and let that woman take over.

She didn't expect them to be on her side.


Hearing old Madam Li's description of the child inside and the woman's delicate yet unfamiliar voice, ruan Mengmeng's eyebrows twitched.

She clearly did not know the child and the woman, but there was a strange feeling in her heart that could not be described.

"No, that's not what we meant." Old Madam Li's voice rang out.