Chapter 899-sisterly love

It was until ruan Mengmeng and Bo Hanyuan thought that ruan Shishi was about to remember something.

He saw the person in front of him smile, " "This name sounds so familiar, Yingluo. I remember it. I've seen it on the news. You must be ruan Mengmeng, the youngest Asian movie queen. Hello, I'm Shishi, nice to meet you."

Ruan Shishi stretched out her hand and shook ruan Mengmeng's hand in the air.

When ruan Mengmeng felt her right hand being surrounded by a familiar warmth, her nose started to sting, and even her eyes turned red.

This feeling is all too familiar, Yingluo.

Ever since she was a child, it was this person who had held her hand, brought her along on the way after school, to amusement parks, and walked her through all the crossroads of life.

Without her sister, she would not exist.

She was already familiar with this kind of warmth, and once she held it, she didn't want to let go.

However, Yingluo