Tell her the truth

Not too far away, li junyu was standing under the other side door of the hall. He extended his hand to ruan Mengmeng.

There was a large floor-to-ceiling window next to the side door, and the cold sunlight outside the window cast a long shadow of his tall figure.

Hearing li junyu's voice, ruan Mengmeng turned around instinctively. However, she did not see that when she turned around, li junche, who was standing beside her, finally raised his handsome and clear face.

The clear eyes that belonged to the teenager were covered with a layer of gray haze.

Li junche raised his eyes to look at his most respected elder brother. However, this time, there was no respect in his eyes. Instead, it was replaced by a deep resentment.

Ruan Mengmeng did not notice the change in the young man's expression behind her. She only mouthed silently to li junyu, " 'Ah Che's situation doesn't seem right, Yingluo.'