She laid her cards on the table with Yue xuexin

so, one day, I finally couldn't hold it in anymore and told her everything.

It was not early for old Madam li to lay her cards on the table with Yue xuexin. She had been holding it in until li junche was a few years old. Finally, she could not hold it in anymore and exploded one day.

"At that time, Chen Qingzhi had already been rescued by Yue xuexin and brought back to the Li family. She was working as a maid by her side. I was so angry that I thought there was no one else in the greenhouse, and I directly confronted Yue xuexin about the matter.

Who knew that when I was confronting Yue xuexin, Shen LAN happened to come to find Yue xuexin, and the person who brought Shen LAN to the greenhouse happened to be Chen Qingzhi. Just like that, she instigated me to lose my temper. Not only did she expose her affair to Yue xuexin, but she also let Shen LAN and Chen Qingzhi hear about it. "