Let's restore the truth of what happened back then for mother

In fact, she could understand Chen Qingzhi's current feelings.

Back then, she had been driven out, and the mother and daughter had to rely on each other to survive in that small broken house. She had suffered so much because of Chen Qingzhi's stubbornness.

Chen Qingzhi had done everything for Yue xuexin, or rather, for the little conscience she had left in her superficial world.

Her mother also wanted to be a good person, and she also wanted to maintain this last bit of kindness.

Since that was the case, since he had already suffered so much pain, why should he accept this belated apology?

Li junyu said,"but your mother's suffering should be mine, uncle, and father's."

Ruan Mengmeng held li junyu's arm. "No need, we should respect mom's wishes. Yingluo, the most important thing now is to find out who the real murderer is. As for mummy Yingluo "

Ruan Mengmeng looked at Chen Qingzhi with her soft eyes, and at the same time, Chen Qingzhi was looking at her.