The photos scattered

Everyone's expression froze at old Madam Li's shrieking.

Everyone's eyes were on the photo that old Madam li was holding high.

In old Madam Li's trembling palm, the photos were blurry and hard to see clearly.

Old master Li was the closest to old Madam li. He snatched the photo from old Madam Li's hands and took a closer look.

This one look was not important, but it directly made people hold their hearts and step back. They staggered and fell onto the sofa, directly spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Old master Li's face, which was already filled with vicissitudes of life, suddenly collapsed. The old man who had seen so many storms actually spat out blood in front of everyone.

This was a rare sight, and a shocking scene.

Everyone was shocked.

"Old man, Yingluo."


"Bastard! Evil creature! "How could you ... How could you actually get rid of such a disgraceful girl?" old master Li rebuked li Mingyang with trembling hands.