Trying to save Chen Qingzhi

"He is li yaoyang, the president of Lisheng group! Even if you haven't watched financial news, you should have watched entertainment news. Isn't the movie queen ruan Mengmeng holding her wedding soon? it's the ruan Mengmeng from our neighborhood, the granddaughter of the Chen family upstairs. Her father-in-law is li yaoyang from the Li family, one of the four great families."

The Li family, which had been hidden and low-key in the past, was now known by the general public because of ruan Mengmeng.

With the support of Classic Movies and popular TV series, ruan Mengmeng's national rating was not low. Moreover, the Redbud community was her 'Maiden Home'.

Of course, the residents of the neighborhood were more concerned about her.

"So it's him! If he's Ruan Mengmeng's father-in-law, doesn't that mean that he has hundreds of millions, billions, or even tens of billions of private assets?"