Li Junting shot a stone in the foot

Even though uncle Zhao was old and had experienced a lot, the clothes that were scattered all over the floor of the guest room, the extent of the big bed's messiness, and the obvious bloodstains on the bed sheets still made uncle Zhao feel that ... As expected of the dissolute second young master. Even in this state, he could still play so big.

"Ahem, ahem." Uncle Zhao coughed hard to ease the awkwardness.

He was, of course, happy to see the second young mistress and the second young master having such an intense relationship.

When he thought about the way second young mistress walked in the morning, uncle Zhao could not help but remind li Junting, " "Second young master, second young Madam is different from you. She has little experience, and this is her first time. But don't worry, I've already instructed the kitchen to prepare some nourishing soup for second young mistress. As long as it's given some time, second young mistress will definitely be chubby and fair."